What is PTC?
Paid To Click, Yups this is a program where you do click on ads and you get paid to click ads.
The value offered was varied depending on each PTC itself.
Do join PTC business took a big profit?
I do not give a definitive answer, but can you seriously and earned a profit at it then it will be very large.
Is hard?
No. Absolutely not. You just do click on ads alone and takes about 2 hours a day.
Then how do I get started?
Ok, we started to peel stage by stage.
If you will follow the PTC, pay close attention to the following matters:
1. Find out in advance whether it is really paying PTC or not. The trick please find testimonials or testimony of member that has followed the PTC. You can look it up on google or look on the forum that PTC. PTC does not have a forum? Almost certainly it is a SCAM.
2. See what the price of payment-per-click ads and the amount of advertising available. Calculate carefully. what proportion of time you spend with your payment. For this I will discuss at another point.
3. Note Price Advertising and Prices click ads. I mean do these 2 things is directly proportional or not. For instance the average is $ 100/View Advertising, then you get paid 300/View is highly implausible. Better stay away from it unless it is PTC PTC is currently in the Promotion.
4. Do not be tempted with a promotion that said free PTC Premium member, Gold or something, because this only put pressure on you so that you can maintain that status. So it is better that you get is the value per click than free membership. For example in one of the PTC when you sign up to get bonus Premium Member for a month. Price usually is $ 50,000, then after you calculate the cost perkliknya will not be able to Rp 50,000 a month. So this is only a burden to no avail.
5. Note the value of Pay Out or Cash Out of a PTC. If Payout PTC is low, then you will be able to get proof of payment is faster, thus you can now invest more in PTC.
Friend, all of which I write is how we started this business with no capital at all. So we're going to manage what we get to be bigger.
My personal experience if you follow a PTC
I will calculate how much return can I make in a month. If I could be a minimum $ 3 in a PTC then I'll come, but if less than that I consider to not take part.
Why, 1 month only $ 3? Small donk.
Yes is very small when viewed from its value. but if calculated back a PTC only took 3-4 minutes per day, then this is a great value.
Why do not you join 20 PTC? then a month you can get $ 60 just by working less than 2 hours a day. It's only free capital can be at least $ 60. Great is not it?
Now when you already know the amount you will get then you can start investing more.
My advice, do not take more than 20 PTC. this so that you can focus on running it. from 20 PTC that you take out trying to determine the 5 PTC are worth more, accountable and trustworthy. Also see whether the value of low-cost upgrades, and we get decent results.
As I said above, if within a month you get at least $ 60, then some of the advantages that you get reinvested into five PTC you see good. Whether it's an upgrade or lease Refferal member.
From my experience, when I do such things then in the second month my income increases 2X. So in the second month you can get at least $ 120.
The 3rd month I returned again add 5 PTC that I upgraded and rental refferal, then my income back many-fold from the previous one.
Now I joined 20 PTC and 10 PTCnya I've upgraded member and add Refferal lease.
What is my income a month? At least, once again at least $ 400.
What is my starting capital? $ 0, after 3 months I can be at least $ 400.
You can still say this small?
What about the months that followed during the greater my investment?
Once again what I wrote is the experience and if I can, then you too can do it.
Oh yes, I'd had to say about Rent Referrals
In this program there are two types of referrals
1. Direct Referrals Referrals is that you can instantly and sign up using your link. So do not hesitate to promotion. A PTC you've got 5 DR all then you're lucky.
2. Referrals Referrals are rented that we rent from the PTC. This can be either the system or those who register without upline. The difference with RR DR is no rental fee per month. So before you hire a refferal so think carefully and adjust the Value Click refferal
Eg 1 Refferal worth $ 0.5 month lease, then the advantages of per click refferal is $ 0.005/iklan.
In the day there are 10 ads. Then:
10 ads x $ 0005 x 30 days = $ 1.5 to be made a referral for 1 month
You have 10 Referrals = $ 15 per month. More referrals? just count how much profit you.
Thus, each of us who want to pursue this business will definitely get amazing results.
Anyone can join this business which is important to internetan hahaha ...
My suggestion for the Friends of the VP.
If you will join a PTC, then sign up with their links that already provide you with information and benefits of a PTC. Because when you sign up with no upline, then you belong to someone else. It is unfortunate that those who have been told this on your business and they do not we back kebaikkannya.
OK. Companions.
The next post, we will discuss many of the PTC / BUX that exist today with some additional ways to make money other than the Internet.
The experience was a lesson that is very, very valuable.
So .. Everyone Can Be Successful
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