Before the moratorium program rolled out last August, alleged CPNS if new proposals from local government, district government, provincial government, until the centers are arranged reckless. After the rules were tightened, the allegations were proved.
As is known, before the carriage moratorium or temporary suspension of recruitment of new CPNS rolled out, the Ministry of Administrative Reforms (PAN-RB) accept the proposed amount of new self CPNS various agencies. Starting from the local government, district government, provincial government, until the central government agencies. Total time, the proposed new CPNS reached 714,131 people in the agency areas and 147,228 people in central institutions. But, after the program moratorium enacted, the proposal was returned by the ministerial PAN-RB to each agency proposer. Furthermore, if you want to propose the formation of new CPNS, the agency concerned shall make a report job analysis. If next year the central and local agencies want to get a new CPNS quota, then the job analysis report should go to the ministerial-RB PAN no later than December 31, 2011. After all this time waiting, PAN-RB ministerial launch two new district government and local administration have deposited two job analysis report. Deputy Human Resources (HR) and RB Apparatus ministerial PAN Naibaho Ramli said the number of agencies that had reported the results of the analysis of this position is still very little. Because, in Indonesia there are more than 390 districts and 98 cities. Well, from the four agencies that have sent the job analysis study is unknown if there is inflation or mark up the proposed new CPNS. The four agencies are the City Metro (Lampung), Balikpapan (East Kalimantan), Donggala (Central Sulawesi), and North Konawe (Southeast Sulawesi). Referring to the fourth position of the agency report earlier analysis, it found the fact that they actually do not require an employee or CPNS new. In fact, when the door opened CPNS proposal last April to July, Regency CPNS Metro proposes 670 new seats. While in Donggala district government proposes new CPNS 1730 seats, Aberdeen City Government (3155 seats), and Regency North Konawe (887 seats). "These agencies are overstaffed even true," said Deputy Assistant HR Planning ministerial officials yesterday Nurhayati PAN-RB (18/11). Thus, despite having sent a report job analysis, this year the four agencies had been unable to hold a selection of new CPNS. Nur explains, he can not explain with certainty how large excess of personnel in the four agencies had. Therefore, the report analyzes the position of the four intansi is still not verified and validated. Furthermore Ramli said, the functions of this job analysis report is used as an effective filter proposed new CPNS. He tells us, was a strong suspicion if there are no reports intansi job analysis by arbitrarily determining the proposed new quotas CPNS. Ramli hoped, will be closed during the entire area has been completed a report job analysis. Thus, the need for new CPNS in this country is really concrete seseuai with empty seats left by employees due to retirement, death, fired, or resign. Associated with the many agencies that have not deposited the results of job analysis report, the Minister of PAN-RB Azwar Abubakar said, could be caused by lack of skilled employees in the area of analysis. For that, he aims to continue printing expert analyst positions. By June next year, will print the 4150 target Azwar analyst positions in accordance with the needs of all agencies in Indonesia. Attempts to print thousands of analysts, starting with fielded 61 analysts from ministerial PAN-RB to a number of provincial government and others to the local government or district government. By printing expert analyst of this office, Anwar said it could help the agencies that have not been able to show my job analysis study that was opened up to 31 December. "For those areas that really has not been completed, are still allowed to send next year," he said. If the entire next year both national and local agencies already deposited job analysis report, it will immediately be verified and validated. Furthermore, it could be a reference roll out new CPNS selection for the period 2013. (wan / AGM) article here
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