City of Jakarta has many communities that could be an attraction of Jakarta as a viable cultural tourism destinations appreciated and developed through events and cultural tourism. And in an attempt to appreciate and develop the potential of tourism and culture, and also coincides with the 484th Anniversary City of Jakarta themed JAKARTA WE, Kian-ordered, Kian be loved , Culture and Tourism Office of Jakarta will host the "JAKARNAVAL 2011" to take place in the National Monument - Jl. MH. Thamrin, Central Jakarta.
The purpose of convening Jakarnaval 2011 that the theme of Harmony Variety Jakarta is to improve the quality and attractiveness of tourism events and increase visitation and extend length of stay of tourists in Jakarta. Of course, it is hoped, with the 2011 event Jakarnaval, actualize community participation in culture as a tourism attraction Jakarta and support relevant institutions and stakeholders in the implementation of tourism and cultural activities are increasingly powerful.
Jakarnaval 2011 which will be held on the day Sunday, June 26, 2011 i ni is the 12th time and will take the route :
- Car Parade: starts from page Jakarta Administration Building City Hall Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan - Jalan MH Thamrin - HI Roundabout and ended at Monument Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan.
- Participants Attractions Arts Culture / Community / Pedestrian: starting from page Jakarta Administration Building City Hall Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan - Jalan MH Thamrin - Sarinah spun at the intersection and back to Monas .
Parade participants Jakarnaval 2011 will involve about 1,000 people and up to now has been registered less than:
- 3 9 Art Cultural Attractions Group consisting of community public art such as; Puppet People Barata, Betawi Cultural Institution, Ethnic Aceh, the United Arts Organization of Java, etc., as well as some studio built the Department of Tourism and Culture, the city government, such as Arts Training Center , Museum, Miss Tjitjih, Jakarta Arts Institute
- 17 Participants Race Car Parade, among them the Public Works Department, Fire Department, UPT Monas, Department of Health, Social Service Establishments, Tribe ParBud District Office. Kep. One thousand, etc., as well as several private companies and SOEs; PT. Port of Indonesia II, Sumarecon, PD. Pasar Jaya, PT. Total Indonesie.
- 15 community groups, such as the Army Equestrian, Antique Car Association, Harley Davidson, Coastal Communities, etc..
The number is certainly expected to increase again in the next few days.
Procession Parade will be packaged in such a way, by considering all aspects, and plan the parade procession will be opened by a group of Harley Davidson, Equestrian Army, Flag and banner-bearer, followed by Drum Band and Parade Participants Attractions Arts and Culture. The series is the next Parade Car Parade and Car Fire Department.
In contrast to previous years, the Jakarnaval 2011 will be assessed not only on the Participant Car Parade, but also at the parade participants Cultural Attractions Art. There are three prizes for the winners and award plaque Car Parade and there are 5 prizes for Best Performance for Parade Participants Attractions Arts and Culture. Announcement of Winners and Best Performance will be finished just in time for parade was held.
Activities Jakarnaval 2011 which is a flagship activity of Culture and Tourism Office of Jakarta is fully supported by the Department and the Agency in the Provincial Government of Jakarta as well as well as the City Administration. For security proceedings, the committee Jakarnaval 2011 will work with about 75 personnel from the Police, 75 personnel from Satpol PP and 20 people from Jakarta Transportation Agency who also will coordinate to regulate traffic flow and diversion road.
At dusk, parade float vehicle and Attractions Arts and Culture Community Group will end its journey in North Monas Cross where they will be entertained by the band performances, Betawi Lenong and artists in the capital of Stage Entertainment, which will run from 17:00 until the at 20:00 pm. The event also will feature Kidz Entertainment Drummer Gilang care and Attractions Fireworks Ramadan, at the peak of the closing of Stage Entertainment.
Expected to print and electronic media can help disseminate information on the activities Jakarnaval 2011, which is expected to be visited and witnessed by no less than 15,000 people and may cover this event from the Preamble to the Stage Entertainment.
Contact Person EO: Arief Rahmadi (0812 8160 9300)
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