Muhammad Taqiyyuddin Alawiy said:
"There is no good in most of their whisperings, unless ordered (humans) to give alms, do kindness (good), or perform reconciliation (peace) among humans. And who does this, seeking the pleasure of Allah, We shall give him a great reward. "(TQS Annisa '[4]: 114).
Reconciliation in terms of language means repairing, reconciling, and reform. The culprit is called Muslih. A person can be called Muslih, if he has a pious nature. Therefore, the reconciliation on the one hand an attempt actualization of personal piety as well as social piety, and other terms contained in the quest for communal and cultural piety.
Islam is a religion of peace and nonviolence. When meeting others, every Muslim is highly recommended greet, give a smile, and say hello. Greeting is the prayer of the Muslim identity as well as to keep peace, pray for kerahmatan and blessing others. Nothing is more precious in life than peace, blessings, and life is full of grace from Allah SWT.
Therefore, do reconciliation is the duty of every Muslim, especially a fight or hostile. Arguing and acts of violence and anarchy that will only waste energy needlessly, and even tended to worsen the image of Islam. The enemies of Islam certainly cheering to see Muslims fighting each other.
"And obey Allah and His Messenger, and do not dispute, that cause you to be afraid and lose strength and be patient. Verily Allah is with those who steadfastly persevere. "(TQS Al-Anfal [8]: 46).
Islah is the key to solving social problems and conflicts as well as the early realization of peace and tolerance. Therefore, when it finds two friends, Ka'b ibn Malik and Ibn Haidar fought on the Prophet's Mosque, and the sound of fighting was heard up the Prophet's house, he immediately came out to intervene and reconcile the two friends that Ansar. Both are asked to forgive, repent to God, and shook hands.
Prophet then said, "Will you show me a worthwhile trade? You reconcile human beings if they are mutually hostile, and have akrabkan them, if they are away from each other. "(THR Albazzar).
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