In your opinion, what are the prospective areas of business in 2011 in Indonesia?
If we say what a prospective business in 2011 in Indonesia, of course there are many. But I interrupted
you speak in a more macro concept. So when we speak of a concept that we must connect with the situation earlier ACFTA, the situation of national growth that should be high enough if we want to stand level with the advanced nations. So really if we want to ask what business forward, my suggestion of the institution of business education is go into business if we are on it, then it is difficult to enter the business from the outside. That's important. It means we need to be masters in our own land. We need to be masters in our own homes. So do not just comment, "Whoa, that's good." But just think of his own company.
Should think further. Because if we are to master, so master in our own homes, there are many potential long-term nature. We can take advantage of if we master our own homes.
So if you like that, then what? Okay, the natural resources we must not loose. That must be our watch. Pertamina's efforts to control it since Mother Karen Agustiawan at the helm, I think it's an appropriate action. Pertamina is aware that he did not have the ability to exploring oil in the deep ocean. Then he acquired a company BP ONWJ. The company had a block in West Java. Incidentally also it would sell ONWJ BP and Pertamina to buy it. Not just buy a block, but the purchasing company, The Cogney. Because in it there are many Indonesian people who are experts in deep-sea exploration is a former BP employee. Well, once with the acquisition, the Pertamina will have the ability to deep-sea exploration.
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